Tinnitus & Hearing Loss Triggers
10 Brain Disorders

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hearing aid case for iPhone
May 20, 2022

Will Tinnitus Lead to Hearing Loss?

The ringing in your ears can occur for a variety of reasons, including exposure to loud noises or trauma to the ear. In addition to NSAIDs, many cold and sinus medications also contain painkillers. One in two people over age 65 experience some form of age-related hearing loss.

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a collection of mushrooms on a table
July 2, 2022

Can Mushrooms Cure Hearing Loss?

While the theory that mushrooms can cure hearing loss is intriguing, further studies are needed to prove whether or not this theory holds true. A mushroom looks a lot like an ear. It is rich in Vitamin D and tryptophan, which is the building block of serotonin, the mood-regulating chemical.

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chart of ototoxic antibiotics
June 14, 2022

Which Antibiotics Can Cause Hearing Loss?

Aminoglycoside antibiotics are commonly used in the treatment of bacterial infections. Aspirin is one of the most common types of anti-inflammatory drugs, but it can also cause hearing loss in people who are susceptible to it. Neomycin, a macrolide antibiotic, is highly effective at killing bacteria, but it can also cause hearing loss.

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Chart of depression among elderly with hearing loss
August 16, 2022

How Does Hearing Loss Affect Quality of Life in the Elderly?

If you are an older adult, you may be concerned about hearing loss. Social engagement is associated with increased feelings of companionship and emotional exchange, which may decrease feelings of isolation.

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doctor examinging an elderly man's inner ear
July 2, 2022

Ear Ringing Without Hearing Loss

If you're experiencing a high-frequency tone in your ear without loss of hearing, you should see a physician as soon as possible. There are drugs that can cause ear ringing, but they don't always cause permanent hearing loss. Some examples of these drugs include diuretics. Abnormal blood flow is a common complication of high blood pressure, and can occur because of reduced red blood cell count or blockages in arteries.

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diagram of the inner ear
June 21, 2022

Causes of Conductive Hearing Loss

A comprehensive history and physical examination can help identify a potential cause of conductive hearing loss. Some people also experience tinnitus, a ringing sensation in the ear.

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an audiogram chart
September 22, 2022

What is an Audiogram?

An audiogram is a graph that shows the threshold of sound in decibels and hertz. It can be used to diagnose hearing loss. The Y axis represents the intensity, in decibels, and the X axis, the frequency.

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June 21, 2022

Sudden Hearing Loss - Causes and Treatments

Sudden hearing loss can be frightening and cause great concern, but the good news is that there are many treatments for sudden hearing loss. Other treatments can include earwax removal or fluid removal, or even the injection of antihistamines.

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Man with hand to ear trying to here
September 22, 2022

Causes and Signs of Hearing Loss

There are a variety of different causes of hearing loss. Some causes include genetic makeup and occupational noise. Also, use ear plugs when you use power tools or attend concerts, and limit the volume of any music you listen to.

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Tinnitus Triggers & Hearing Loss
10 Brain Disorders

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