Which Antibiotics Can Cause Hearing Loss?

Posted on June 14, 2022 by Ms. Sally, RN
medicine hearing
chart of ototoxic antibiotics


Aminoglycoside antibiotics are commonly used in the treatment of bacterial infections. However, these drugs can cause a number of side effects, including hearing loss. Some of the side effects may be permanent, while others may be transient. For this reason, they are usually prescribed to people with life-threatening infections. These drugs are often given through an IV, although they are also available in pills and other formulations. It is important to note that these antibiotics are not recommended for use in people with a history of hearing loss.

Although there is no proven way to prevent hearing loss caused by aminoglycosides, many studies have found that they are associated with a range of adverse effects. This makes it essential to monitor aminoglycoside use carefully to minimize the risks. It is also important to note that individuals with renal insufficiency are more susceptible to ototoxicity caused by aminoglycosides. This is because the decreased renal excretion of aminoglycosides results in a higher serum level and a prolonged half-life, resulting in greater exposure to the inner ear and more damage.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Aspirin is one of the most common types of anti-inflammatory drugs, but it can also cause hearing loss in people who are susceptible to it. Studies have shown that high doses of aspirin can damage hearing, although these symptoms usually go away when the medicine is stopped. Other drugs that can cause hearing loss include certain antibiotics, aminoglycosides, and cancer chemotherapy drugs.

Studies have shown that a number of analgesics can damage the cochlea, reducing the blood flow to the cochlea. Some painkillers, like ibuprofen, can block the normal blood flow to the cochlea, which affects the way it works. Other drugs, like acetaminophen, can also damage the ear and the structures in it.


Neomycin and other antibiotics can cause a range of side effects, including hearing loss. This side effect is most common in people with kidney disease and ear problems. Patients also may experience hearing loss if they are taking chemotherapy drugs, such as cisplatin or platinum. If you notice any changes in your hearing after taking these drugs, report them to your healthcare provider immediately.

Neomycin, a macrolide antibiotic, is highly effective at killing bacteria, but it can also cause hearing loss. It affects the cochlea, which is sensitive to sound. Therefore, patients should avoid using it in large doses for this reason. It is also not recommended for intraperitoneal, pleural, or wound irrigation. Another antibiotic that can cause hearing loss is azithromycin.


Chloroquine antibiotics can cause loss of hearing if taken in large amounts. These antibiotics are commonly given by IV and treat bacterial infections. They are effective against a variety of bacterial infections, including meningitis and pneumonia. However, they can also damage the inner ear, causing hearing loss.

Chloroquine-associated hearing loss has been associated with loss of cochlear spiral ganglion cells and outer hair cells. Quinine administration has also been linked to central auditory function.

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